Finally, a side-lying breastfeeding pillow
to support nursing moms.

Why might you need extra back support?

If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, and /or recovering from a cesarean section delivery, lying on your side is an important component of your rest.

Pregnant woman and breastfeeding moms, for a time, have a hormone present in their bodies called relaxin. Relaxin can cause symptoms such as reduced stability in the pelvis and joints. So when both pregnant side-lying sleepers and side-lying breastfeeding mothers stay laying down on their side, there is increased discomfort in their joints, pelvis, and back.

Also, mothers who experienced cesarean sections at birth also struggle to nurse their babies accross the front of their bodies as they recover from surgery. Extended side-lying can lead to much physical discomfort for these women.

Mamalia Side-lying Breastfeeding Pillow

This patent-pending pillow design allows you to shift your body weight backward while maintaining a side-lying position. This relieves downward pressure on the knees, hips, and back. It allows for easier rest and breastfeeding in the side-lying position by providing support and comfort to the back and hips.

The design is unique in that it has a special wedge feature that becomes entrapped under the user’s side, which secures the pillow in place; decreasing the ability for the pillow to move due to pressure from the back. With the pillow secured in place, the user has optimum support from the round support cushion and increased relief from discomfort in the joints, pelvis, and back.